6th July 2020
Dear All
The Government has stated Gym and Leisure facilities can be opened from 25th July if COVID19 secure.
We have yet to receive the various NGB guidelines for allowing relevant sporting activities. We know that the volume of activities in any one place will be limited due to social distancing. It is expected that participants will arrive ready to participate and leave as soon as finished. There will be strict demand on cleaning equipment and participation areas. Then the site operators must ensure the site is operated and used in a COVI19 secure manner. All of this means that our Queen Street site will have to operate at greater costs whilst generating less income. The York RI CIO must be certain that Queen Street can operate as a viable entity both physically, financially and COVID19 secure.
A further complication is that the Queen Steet is leased form its owners and therefore, there is a rental impact which currently indicates if any part of the Queen Street site is open for use then full rental payment would be required. Currently, the Trustees of York RI CIO do not see how our Queen Street facilities can operate in a COVID19 secure way and not be loss making.
Please bear with us as we work our way through the current situation.
Our Queen Street site is closed and will remain closed until further notice.
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